martes, 7 de junio de 2011

So I’m going to finish definitely ESO! It was very difficult is true, but if you work hard you can do it. I like this last year because we were in Italy, we did the playback and we are going to do a Musical for the last day. I like change, so go to Batxillerat is a new a good experimentation for me.

Next year I want to do a Scenic Batchillerat. I want to work in something like music or theatre. But some people have said to me that is very difficult. But if I don’t do it I will work as a stewardess on a plane. But to do it I have to practise more English. I must speak perfectly this language.

But if you want to do a good work you have to study very much and one thing important is: You have to do a work that you like. Good luck!

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