martes, 7 de junio de 2011

So I’m going to finish definitely ESO! It was very difficult is true, but if you work hard you can do it. I like this last year because we were in Italy, we did the playback and we are going to do a Musical for the last day. I like change, so go to Batxillerat is a new a good experimentation for me.

Next year I want to do a Scenic Batchillerat. I want to work in something like music or theatre. But some people have said to me that is very difficult. But if I don’t do it I will work as a stewardess on a plane. But to do it I have to practise more English. I must speak perfectly this language.

But if you want to do a good work you have to study very much and one thing important is: You have to do a work that you like. Good luck!

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011


1. Include information about the song.

a) When was the sHoward Ashman yong written?

The song was written by Tim Rice, Howard Ashman and the music by Alan Menken.

b) Who sang it first?

The first sang by Scott Weinger.

c) Was it a big hit?

A big hit is something wich is very popular, like this song.

d)Any other interesting info? (records, interviews, photos, facebook page, ...)

The web is

2. What is the meaning of this song? Write the translation of the lyrics. In 20 words, what is the song about?

I can show you the world/ Jo et puc ensenyar el món
Shining, shimmering, splendid/ Brillant, lluent, esplèndid.
Tell me, princess, now when did/ Diga'm, princesa, quan vas deixar
You last let your heart decide?/ decidir al teu cor?
I can open your eyes/ Jo et puc obrir els ulls
Take you wonder by wonder/ T'ensenyaré meravelles
Over, sideways and under/ Més, als costats i a sota
On a magic carpet ride/ En una catifa màgica
A whole new world/ Un nou món
A new fantastic point of view/ Un fantàstic nou punt de vista
No one to tell us no/ On ningú ens digui que no
Or where to go/ O a on anar
Or say we're only dreaming/ O dir que estem somiant.
A whole new world/ Un nou món
A dazzling place I never knew/ Un lloc enlluernador que mai vaig conèixer
But when I'm way up here/ Però quan arribo aquí
It's crystal clear/ És de cristall.
That now I'm in a whole new world with you/ Però ara estic en un nou món amb tu
Now I'm in a whole new world with you/ Ara estic en un nou món amb tu
Unbelievable sights/ Vistes increïbles
Indescribable feeling/ Sentiments indescriptibles
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling/ Volant, tombarelles, rodar lliure
Through an endless diamond sky/ A través d'un cel de diamants sense fi.
A whole new world/ Un nou món
Don't you dare close your eyes/ No t'atreveixis a tancar els ulls.
A hundred thousand things to see/ Cent mil coses per veure.
Hold your breath - it gets better/ Aguanta la respiració, es posa millor
I'm like a shooting star/ M'agraden els estels fugaços
I've come so far/ He arribat lluny
I can't go back to where I used to be/ No puc tornar on jo solia estar
A whole new world/ Un nou món
Every turn a surprise/ Cada volta es una sorpresa
With new horizons to pursue/ Amb nous horitzons per perseguir
Every moment red-letter/ Cada moment amb lletres vermelles
I'll chase them anywhere/ Ho perseguiré en qualsevol lloc
There's time to spare/ És temps per recanviar
Let me share this whole new world with you/ Permeta'm compartir aquest nou món amb tu
A whole new world/ Un nou món
where we'll be/ Aquí és on estarem
A thrilling chase/ Una persecució emocionant
A wondrous place/ Un lloc meravellós
For you and me/ Per a tu i per a mi

3. Prepare an activity with the song for the class

Aladdin:] i can show you the ____
shining, shimmering, ...
tell me, ________, now when did
you last let your ... decide?
i can open your eyes
take you wonder by wonder
over, _______ and under
on a magic carpet ride
a whole new world
a new super point of view
no one to tell us no
or where to go
or say we're only ....

[jasmine:] a whole bad world
a _______ place i never knew
but when i'm way up here
it's a pearl ____
that now i'm in a whole new world with ....

[aladdin:] now i'm in a whole new world with ...

[jasmine:] unbelievable sights
indescribable feeling
soaring, tumbling, freewheeling
______ an endless diamond sky
a whole new ...

[aladdin:] don't you dare close your ...

[jasmine:] a hundred thousand things to see

[aladdin:] hold your breath - it gets _____

[jasmine:] i'm like a shooting star
i've come so far
i can't go back to where i used to be

[aladdin:] a whole new ...

[jasmine:] every time a surprise

[aladdin:] with new horizons to pursue

[jasmine:] every moment red-_____

[both:] i'll chase them anywhere
there's time to spare
let me share this whole new ... with you
a whole new ...
that's where we'll be

[aladdin:] a thrilling chase

[jasmine:] a fantastic ____

[both:] for you and...

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

When she was young

Questions about the song: Love story (by Taylor Swift)

1.What do you know about Romeo and Juliet?
Romeo and Juliet is a love story theatre between two people in love.

2.Where did they lived?
They lived in Verona.

3.What were their family names?

Montagues and Capulets.

4.Who wrote the story?

Who wrote the story was William Shakespeare.

5.When was the story written?

The story has written in 1597.

6. What is the source of this story ?
The story is part of a long tradition of tragic romances stretching back to antiquity, the argument is based on the English translation (The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet, 1562) of an Italian story Mateo Bandello, conducted by Arthur Brooke.

7. Is it a comedy or a tragedy? Why?

Is a tragedy, because the end is horrible.

8. Is a similar story possible today? Justify your answer.

In my opinion not, because now is really different. The stories of love now are different, less romantic.

English's new: Yet new improvements and even more on the way

MAGAZINE - Equal to the task

This new say that the writers of this, have promised to make an effort to add more value to their magazine, and they are constantly working on that. So now in this magazine you will find more things following the suggestions from the readers.

Three words:

foreign – estrangers

Suitable – adequada

Improvement - millora

And My personal opinion:

I think that is a very good idea, because following the readers’ suggestions you can have a better reputation and more money. The readers can write their opinions about some magazines to that, to help and try to make an improvement of these magazines.

Transalted song: Love story (historia de amor)

Ambos éramos jóvenes la primera vez que te vi
Cierro mis ojos y empiezo a recordar.
Estoy de pie allí. En un balcón con aire de verano.

Veo las luces,
Veo en la fiesta los vestidos del baile.
Te veo hacer tu camino a través de la multitud,
Tu dices hola
Yo no sabía ...

Que eras Romeo, estabas tirando piedras
Y mi padre dijo "Alejate de Julieta"
Y yo estaba llorando en la escalera
Rogandote que porfavor no te fueras, y dije...

Romeo llévame a un lugar donde podamos estar solos
Yo estaré esperando, todo lo que queda para hacer es correr
Tu serás el principe y yo seré la princesa
Es una historia de amor, cariño, solo di "Si"

Entonces me escapo al jardín para verte
Nosotros nos mantenemos en silencio porque estamos muertos si ellos lo saben.
Entonces, cierra tus ojos. Escapemos de la ciudad por un momento.

Oh Oh

Porque eras Romeo, luego yo era Scarlet
Y mi padre dijo "Alejate de Julieta"
Pero tú eras todo para mi
Yo te estaba rogando que porfavor que no te fueras, y yo dije...

Romeo llévame a un lugar donde podamos estar solos
Yo estaré esperando, todo lo que queda para hacer es correr
Tu serás el principe y yo seré la princesa
Es una historia de amor, cariño, solo di "Si"

Romeo sálvame, tratan de decirme como es
Este amor es dificil, pero es real
No tengas miedo, conseguiremos salir de este lio.
Es una historia de amor, cariño, solo di "Si"

Estaba cansada de esperar
Me pregunto si tu alguna vez vendrias.
Mi fé en ti se está desvaneciendo
Cuando te conocí en las afueras de la ciudad, y yo dije...

Romeo sálvame, me eh sentido tan sola
Sigo esperándote pero nunca llegas
Esto está en mi cabeza? No se que pensar
El se arrodillo en el suelo, sacó un anillo y dijo...

Casate conmigo Julieta, nunca tendrás que estar sola
Yo te amo y eso es todo lo que se
Hablé con tu padre, ve y escoje un vestido blanco
Es una historia de amor, cariño, solo di... "Si"

Oh Oh
Oh Oh Oh

Ambos éramos jovenes la primera vez que te vi.